Does This Napkin Ring Make Me Look Fat?

I’ve been working on a post about finishing the napkin rings, with info and tips to help complete them.  I wanted to include photos along with the written instructions to help illustrate what I was saying should be done.  I thought I could do this myself–execute one step from the written instructions and then take a photo of the progress.

Often times the napkin ring needed to be held in a particular position to best display that which I was attempting to show you visually.  But no problem, right?  I’d just hold the napkin ring with my left hand and take the photo with my right.  Keep in mind that in order to show detail, the camera was set on the “macro” setting and I was taking the photo really close to the napkin ring………and my fingers.

When I reviewed the photos I was horrified.1 My fingers looked huge–fat–like sausages!  Now if it were a photo of my butt and it came out looking huge, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least because, well, my butt is pretty big.  But my fingers!  There are very few parts of me that aren’t, shall we say, plump.  But my fingers are one of those non-plump parts!2 I know the old saying about the camera adding 10 extra pounds, but how dare it add all 10 directly to my fingers!  Oh, and don’t get me started on my nails and cuticles.

For a laugh, and to illustrate my point, I will post one photo of this horror.  But enjoy it–you will never again see my hand holding anything on this blog!3

This small photo is deceptive--you have to click on the photo and see it full-size to really appreciate my dismay.

  1. That isn’t too stong a word. It was pure horror for me. []
  2. Or so I thought. []
  3. Unless my fingers go on a serious diet or I find a way to distribute those 10 extra camera-pounds away from my hands, or I become a much better photographer. []
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